Слободкина Ольга
By the 20th of June

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  • © Copyright Слободкина Ольга (olga_slobodkina@mail.ru)
  • Размещен: 10/08/2023, изменен: 27/08/2023. 2k. Статистика.
  • Стихотворение: Поэзия

  • By the 20th of June
       the leaves are huge
    as if it's late summer...
    For how many days can I be silent,
       I wonder?
    Without speaking to anyone at all,
       not even on the telephone...
    Today the aethtetics
      of communication
    is all about the letters -
       litterae -
    on the lap top or an i-phone.
    It's funny to rhyme "telephone" and "i-phone",
       but this is contemporary life...
    And films?
    All the films are stupid after all
      and pivot around sensual love...
    However, films about saints
      are even worse...
    Holiness is inner work
     and cannot be pictured on screen,
    maximum on the can-
    A while ago 
      I started seeing a film
    about St. Francis,
      his early years...
    The dullest thing...
    I'm in the park again
      after the evening mass,
    the first time this year -
       after my second covid.
    I'm devoid of the Spi-
    out of con-
    my soul is covered by heaviness.
      I'm as heavy as led.
    In the sky
      there is a vertical line, 
       trace of a jet,
    going high.
      It dissolves in the air,
    then appears again
      out of nowhere...
    repeating the same trick,
      which has become
    a paradigme.
    What is it?
      Oh, my!
    Where is the air control looking!!!
       I don't know.
    A truck,
      which waters flowers,
    is shuffling to and fro.
    It has a narrow vertical tube
       going straight up
    and exhaling black fume.
    This is my life.
    Everyday there is something to shoot.
    I need lots of memory cards...
      But my camera is old
    and can only use those
      of long ago.
    A new camera?
      A good idea.
    I should've bought it
      somewhere near.
    I cannot go far -
      I don't have a car.
    Why do I keep
      recollecting nasty things!
    I don't know...
    A new camera,
      a new i-phone...
    I also want to go
      wherever my works are displayed.
    My aspirations exceed my means...
    Shall I ever travel again?
    22 countries plus 2 more passing by...
    But still I want more -
      I'm still alive...
    Oh, my!
    June 17, 2023

  • © Copyright Слободкина Ольга (olga_slobodkina@mail.ru)
  • Обновлено: 27/08/2023. 2k. Статистика.
  • Стихотворение: Поэзия

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